CE Courses

On-Demand: CE for multiple professions available 

As media coverage and medical talks are saturated with talk of “obesity” and the newly approved weight loss methods, patients and advocates are also speaking up about the harms of the BMI and weight stigma, leaving you to wonder how best to serve your larger-bodied patients. In this presentation, we will explore the impact of and alternatives to the dominant weight-centric model of care. We will examine the correlations between weight and health, explore the direct and indirect effects of anti-fat bias on health and analyze the effects of anti-fat bias on weight-related research. Using cases, questions for reflection, presentation of data, and analysis of actual research, we’ll look at specific diseases in larger-bodied patients.  You will leave with concrete ideas for reducing stigma in your practice and for providing evidence-based, anti-bias care to patients of all sizes. 

*Note: this course was created as part of the PESI Women's Healthcare Certification Course.  The content is relevant to all healthcare providers and patients across the gender spectrum.  

On Demand: CE for multiple professions available 

Though we may have become aware of the harms of diet culture, many of us still worry about the negative impacts of weight on health. We may actively promote our clients’ journey towards body positivity but continue to “watch our own weight.” We may feel comfortable with weight neutral self-care, but only up to a certain BMI or with certain health conditions. This session will explore the myths and realities of the relationship between weight and health. Through cases, research, and resources, you will be empowered to reduce weight stigma in your office and to advocate for a weight-inclusive approach to health for all your clients. 

Also available as part of the 2023 Body Image Course and the Binge Eating and Chronic Dieting Certification Course

Explore all courses with Dr. Erlanger through the non-profit CE organization PESI

The Women's Health Certification Course which contains Dr. Erlanger's "Beyond BMI" session, is currently on sale for $199 using code WHC199